3D Digital Human Figures Virtual Gallery
Welcome to ODA Virtual Gallery
This place has been created with love for all of you. The still photos and pdf files may only be used by the subscriber for personal use. Sharing these files is strictly prohibited. Please honor the artist by not using these files in any other manner.
These pictures are copyrighted and are property of ooakdollart.com Posting or sharing these pictures on other sites is strictly prohibited.
New Users to The ODA Virtual Pose Gallery
The gallery is password protected and available to OOAK Doll Art Gold Members Only . You won’t find another pose gallery or collection that is this inexpensive and the quality of the pdfs are superior to many you find elsewhere. New users of the virtual gallery please read the below
1. Read the Terms and Conditions
2. The virtual gallery is now included with membership to OOAK Doll Art. The cost for membership is $20.00 per year You may sign up below by using the paypal buttons.
3. Email admin@ooakdollart.com if you don’t receive your info in 24 hours.
4. You may use the gallery as soon as your confirmation email arrives.
5. Access the gallery using the supplied id and password.
7. Enjoy browsing nearly 6,000 figural images. And over 300 pdf moveable files
Adobe Acrobat Reader
To optimize the viewing of these pdf files please ensure you have the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. To update please click here
Subscribe to Gold Yearly Membership by clicking the PayPal Button Below $20.00 a Year.
If you do not cancel the subscription the payment will automatically renew and be taken automatically each year from your PayPal account. This is a subscription not a one time payment. If you need help to cancel your subscription please email me and I will do it for you if you are unable to do it yourself.
Copyright © OOAK Doll Art
Virtual Gallery Design by Sharpe Designs
Below is a short tutorial to show you how the pdf file work.