Virtual Gallery Terms & Conditions
By signing up to the Virtual Pose Library you are agreeing to the terms of the CONTENT LICENSE AGREEMENT below:
is Agreement governs the terms by which members of OOAK DOLL ART obtain the right to use photographic, illustrations, animations, video, footage, and other media content provided by OOAK DOLL ART through the website located at http://www.ooakdollart.com (the “Site”).
“The Content” means any images you use, view or download from the Virtual Pose Library on OOAK DOLL ART.com.
We hereby grant to you a perpetual, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Content for the Permitted Uses (as defined below). All other rights in and to the Content, including, without limitation, all copyright and other intellectual property rights relating to the Content, are retained by OOAK DOLL ART or the supplier of the Content, as the case may be.
Standard License Terms
You may only use the Content for PERSONAL USE and other specified purposes which are Permitted Uses (as defined below). Any use of the Content that is not a Permitted Use shall constitute infringement of copyright
The following are “Permitted Uses” of Content:
- Images can be put into your photo editing program in order to resize.
- Images may be downloaded and stored locally for quick reference or backup purposes.
- Images may be stored in one location at a time.
- You may make one (1) copy of the Content solely for back-up purposes.
- images may be altered FOR YOUR OWN USE in your photo editing program.
The following are “Restricted Uses” of Content:
- “Derivative works” are not allowed for resale or to be distributed in any way shape or form.
- Images can not be traded, published, uploaded or distributed in any public or private forums, message boards or any other setting where images can be obtained by the public.
- Images may not be used to make “tubes” which can be redistributed or traded in public forums.
- Images may not be burned to a CD or DVD and resold.
- Images may not be used on any other Pose Gallery, website or joint venture.
Please report problems to admin@ooakdollart.com
Copyright © OOAK Doll Art
Virtual Gallery design by Sharpe Designs